Life is lived through the body

So Don’t Spend it Stuck in Your Head


Experience life through the body

It is through our body that we truly experience life: through our physical senses we can see, taste, touch, smell and hear all that life has to offer. By being present in our bodies we center ourselves in the moment and truly show up for the experiences that life gives us. Apart from that, our bodies are also great at letting us know what is truly going on: are we hungry or dehydrated? Do we need movement or rest? Do parts of the body feel tense? By paying attention to the signs our body gives us we can give it what it needs, and improve the way we feel tremendously.

Conscious observation of the signals that our body gives us can, with practice, tell us a lot about our circumstances and the people we surround ourselves with. How do you feel at the end of a work day or after meeting a friend? Do you feel energized, or tired but fulfilled? Or do you feel drained and depleted? Often times, the body already knows what the head has yet to accept.

Getting out of your head

And yet, we spend so much time stuck in our head that it can be easy to forget that we have a body. So much time is spend on our phone, in online meetings or worrying about the past or future. It can be a real effort to connect with your body throughout the day.
If you find yourself stuck in your head most of the day, I would like to ask you if you can make an effort to check in with your body throughout the day. Feeling your feet on the floor while you are in a meeting, taking a few breaths between completing tasks or really taking the time to taste your coffee can make a real difference when done consistently. These moments take you back into the present moment and are a great way to turn your attention back to your body.

Checking in with your body

If you want to take it a step further I would like to invite you to take the time to do a body scan at a time that feels right to you. Are you feeling tense anywhere? Is there a pit in your stomach? See if you can bring your attention to that feeling without judgment or having to come up with an explanation. Are there any physical movements that help lighten the feeling? This can feel quite scary at first, but the more you get to know your body and your physical reactions to stress and anxiety, the more you can learn what helps you.

Being present in the body can take some practice and it might even feel very uncomfortable at first, but overtime it really makes life more delicious! If it feels unsafe for you to tune into your physical sensations I highly recommend working with a professional.

If you are new to working with the body and would like to start doing this under my guidance, please send me an email.