How to overcome imposter syndrome

When you feel like you don´t know what you are doing when really, you do So many of the clients I work with have deep-rooted self-doubts when it comes to their career path. They are in a job where they constantly feel like they have to do better, or that others are...

Why we fear failure – and how to overcome it

WHY WE FEEL LIKE WE ARE IN DANGER WHEN WE ARE NOT   I am lying in the fetal position on my yoga math, trying to slow down my breathing. I don´t know exactly how long I have been lying there, but the thought of getting up and moving on with my day is not crossing...
Why Perfectionism is a Form of Self Sabotage

Why Perfectionism is a Form of Self Sabotage

Perfectionism is a Form of Self Sabotage   The end of the year is a great time to reflect on all that we have done over the past year, and what we would like to do differently next year. For many of us that might mean setting goals, but I would like to invite you...
How much of your true self are you taking to work?

How much of your true self are you taking to work?

How much of your true self are you taking to work? At what point does our desire to fit in result in us giving up what makes us unique? By Steffi van Kessel   If your partner, parents or friends would watch you at work for a full day, will they recognise the...